Monday, May 12, 2008

Of Bees and Trickery Part 2

The bees appear to have taken up permanent residency in my backyard. So, not unlike the unlucky people of Chernobyl, we have put a sarcophagus over our problems.

But maybe I should start where I last left off. After my attempts to convince them to leave through pouring water on them, I tried a something different. One morning, I put a half-full jar of water out near the hive, with alittle honey in it as bait. The idea is that they fly in to get the honey and get stuck in the water, and die. Well, I tricked 6 bees... so at that point it was 6 down, 400+ to go.
The next day I noticed someone had put a plastic tub on top of the bees. The tub was, however, not a perfect fit with the ground. Bees still came out from underneath the sides where the ground was uneven. I found out that evening that it was my upstairs neighbor, Nathan. So, I hosed the bees down, which tricked all but 2 of them into landing, and proceeded to cover the edges of the tub with dirt, to fully sarcophagize the bees and prevent them from flying around the yard.

So far it has worked. The bees are not smart enough to dig themselves out, but they are still in there. I can hear them buzzing. Just waiting for a chance to burst forth from their sarcophagus as mummy bees. The problem has been put in a box, literally, and left to fester or disappear, whatever the case may be. But I doubt I will be here to see it. I move out of here in a few weeks, and I doubt that the bee situation will change. Although, I bet that I could sell those bees for a pretty good price, considering how honey bees are disappearing across the nation. It only figures that they would reappear in my yard.

1 comment:

Mike Rogers said...

Will - Bees can bee a precious commodity these days. You might want to check out your local cooperative extension for tips to help keep the bees alive, and keep you from beeing crazy over the buzzees. Buckee's Mom (Kathee bzz bzz).

Alameda County Offices: Cooperative Extension

Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 843-6754