Sunday, March 16, 2008

Catching up

So, I haven't written here in a month. Procrastination can be quite harsh when one is busy. So here is an update.
I have a job! I am Rabbi Lerner's assistant. For those of you who don't know who he is, he is the Editor of Tikkun, the Chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressive and Rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue. Back in the late 60s, he was the chair of the Berkeley Chapter of sds, and he helped found the New American Movement. He was one of the Seattle Seven, and he has pretty much been committed to activism for his entire life.
I also have an apartment. It is a small sublet to hold me over until May when I am going to get an apartment with Bucky and Dan. It is a decent place, alittle pricey, but it is only a block from work, so you can't beat the location. I think the room is a converted porch, given the fact that two walls are solid windows, and the door frame has the marks of having had two doors (one probably being a screen door).
I have had alot to do at work, and it is good to feel productive. I do alot of organizing and data management, which is right up my alley since it was what I did for sds and the other activist groups I was in. All in all, I am very happy with it. Although it was a bit difficult to get used to waking up at 7:30 or 8 every day.

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