Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, i am going to do 4 posts in rapid succession, since I have been slacking this month. Here is a short one I started at the beginning of the month about walking.

I am constantly amazed by the perception of walking as a hardship. It is not! Walking is a joy and a blessing. People are always surprised that I would prefer to walk places instead of riding my bike or driving. If I have the time, I would much rather walk. It is always such a blissful experience, especially in California. The sun beating down on your face, the fresh air, the soft breeze. It is truly a delight.

It is one of the few activities that has a high chance of yielding epiphanies. My finest thinking is done when I going to and fro, I have time on the journey to contemplate. And these epiphanies make me feel such a connection with the rest of the universe, I would be so much less happy if it were not for walking.

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