The new incarnation of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is alive and thriving. SDS convened its third national convention in College Park, Maryland on July 24th 2008, with the mandate to pass a national structure. The University of Maryland chapter of sds along with the help of other DC sdsers, played host for over 140 sds members from across the country. The long plenaries were broken apart by singing, meals, collective liberation activities, workshops, caucuses and socializing. After trudging through a very long and rushed two days of discussing structure, the convention passed a resolution outlining a National Working Committee as the administrative (and possibly somewhat executive) body of the organization. This structure will need to be ratified by the chapter base to go into effect.
Political/Spiritual Analysis
SDS is a complicated political entity. It has a very politically diverse membership, ranging from Anarchists to Maoists to a smattering of mainstream liberals. The majority of the membership is anti-authoritarian and very distrustful of hierarchy, and yet we managed to compromise on structure to allow for some hierarchy when it comes to coordination of the national organization. This bodes well for the future of sds. Being able to unify a diverse group of political outlooks toward positive social change will build the power of the organization and encourage membership growth.
SDS has a very strong vein of spiritual analysis in it, although very few sds members would frame it that way. Recognizing how people are disenfranchised and dehumanized, having compassion for those suffering around the world, feeling compelled by their consciences to resist an unjust system, believing a better world is possible, and developing human-need-oriented structures are all key elements of a spiritual analysis of society which sds has whole-heartedly embraced. It is still discussing spiritual issues surrounding the humanization of one's opponents, suffering as a method of social change, and interfacing with the spiritual/religious community.
Religious/Spiritual Issues
Like any community of left-leaning people, there is a certain amount of anti-religious fervor. This is mostly directed at religious institutions for their role in oppression and causing injustice. There is however, some deriding of religious/spiritual people as simplistic and foolish. Sds has taken a mature approach to this issue through starting a discussion around stereotyping religious/spiritual people and the counter-productivity of blindly attacking religions as monolithic-ally bad. The discussion touched on the extremely high standards that religions are held to by anti-religious people. The point that religion institutions are run by humans, so they have the same flaws as every other institution was made. Unfortunately there was not much time for discussion and the development of a mutual understanding to develop, so continuing the healing of this rift will have to wait for another day.
More impressive though, is the role that sds has been able to play in the lives of political activists. That is, the establishment of a national community of like-minded people. Connecting new people into the network, and having groups for across the country for sdsers to join when they move. Prevention of the overwhelming feeling of isolation is essential to the health of the movement, and sds's network fulfills this beautifully. Whenever a high school sds chapter graduates a class of sdsers, they spread like seeds across the nation to build new or reinforce existing sds chapters. When students transfer, they can plug into a nearby chapter. When a college chapter graduates a class of sdsers, they inject veteran organizers into the real world, organizers who often believe they will dedicate their lives to the pursuit of social justice. This community causes dedication like none I have ever seen. It effectively shields its members against ghastly burnout and provides a sense of security that is hard to find in the present social system.
And this community is often deliberately created and cultivated. There was a workshop at the convention titled "Building a Community of Support within sds" where the group discussed what in sds made them feel isolated and dis-empowered and what made them feel hopeful, fulfilled and empowered. This discussion was very healing for those who attended. Events such as this will help us develop the behavioral technology to protect our communities from the corrosive effects of isolation, fear, mistrust, personality clashes and misplaced anger. In addition to this excellent workshop, the organizers of the conference created an emotional support and conflict resolution team to attempt to heal many of the frustrations, anger, and miscommunication created during the convention's decision-making process. While sds does not always focus on how to adapt its current structures to fit human needs, this conference did a substantial job of creating a setting that facilitated the creation and protection of community.
The National Convention gave its seal of approval to one campaign, the "Student Power for Accessible Education" campaign. This national campaign will, in the short term, push for fewer loans for students, tuition freezes, more grants, lower textbook costs, and many other needed changes to the financial interactions between students and their colleges. Mid-term goals include establishing student unions across the US, and building student power. The long term goals include fair and free education for all, since after all, education is a right. Individual sds chapters, as well as any other organizations that want to join us, can plug into this campaign simply by beginning to act on their own campus. The idea is to not only push for change in the education system, but to build a student movement with the confidence and the skills to be able to have a decisive impact on the greater society. National coordination or activity is a possibility, but that will likely wait until there is a significant presence of chapter campaigns.
Funk the War on the Poor
On Monday the 28th, DC sds hosted an action for those attending the convention to attend. It was a roving dance party (essentially a march) that protested the construction of the NAFTA Superhighway, I-69, through many poor communities in the Midwest and South. This highway is actually going to pass about 60 miles from my home town, so it was surprisingly relevant to me. The tactic of dancing was quite effective in keeping a good group energy and appealing to on-lookers. The police showed up in force, nearly 50 of them to our 100.
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